3D GameLab

My assignment in EDCT 552 to explore a new media technology and its educational merit lead me not only to a wonderful online tool that I hope to use when it is released for mass consumption, but also helped me meet a classmate of mine who shares in and encourages my passion for video games and their connection to the classroom.

I’ve already discussed my worry with age difference in my program. That was allayed early on. My passion for video games has always been a little harder to explain to those older than me, much less get them interested. I was incredibly surprised when I mentioned my love of “gamification” (Using methods video games use to enhance a classroom) in EDCT 552 and was immediately greeted by Julie who very much loved gaming culture as well. After trying to find a tool that utilized game theory, Julie discovered 3D Gamelab. The website was a goldmine, offering homework as “quests” and grades as “XP” or experience points. It changed the classroom into a gaming challenge where students discovered new content online through opening up new lessons by completing others, and even having a chance to critique the teacher on his or her quest if it needed help.

Through analyzing and exploring this website I grew passionate about my own want of bringing gaming to the classroom. I saw what 3D Gamelab was doing and I wanted to build upon it. I want to have students think critically about their interactions in this kind of environment, and in other online gaming worlds. It was here that I realized what I want to pursue for a thesis. 3D Gamelab understands the pull of video gaming on youth, that there is an attraction and a willingness to engage in puzzle solving and cooperative learning without any prompting from a teacher. I discovered that I want to know why groups work together so well online and how a teacher can use this natural cohesion to encourage group work in class.

This assignment was the most pivotal in helping me engage a passion that already lay within me and learn how I could explore it in the context of education. Additionally, I made a friend in class who understands the jargon in gaming culture and can help me explore ideas of my thesis beyond my committee members. I think it is important to have that person alongside you in the program who you can speak to without having to re-explain yourself. Julie made me feel that my ideas about gaming were necessary to explore, giving me the encouragement to pursue my thesis idea.

The Artifacts
One Pager - EDCT 585 - PSA Marriage of Classes - 3D Gamelab -

Images used on this page were borrowed from the following websites:
- Image 1 -

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